Von Elektroautos zu Blockchain in Smart City Wien
Hewlett Packard Executive Summit am 21. Juni 2016 in Wien
BlockCharge is a working prototype for Electric Vehicle Charging on the Ethereum BlockChain.
Electric Vehicles or their owners authenticate themselves via a SMART CONTRACT at the charging pole. The charging pole switches the power on and starts the charging process. Billing is done automatically via the use of cryptocurrencies. The Blockchain offers an affordable and seamless way to establish a global charging infrastructure.
How the blockchain will radically transform the economy by Bettina Warburg
The blockchain is about to change everything. In this lucid explainer of the complex (and confusing) technology, Bettina Warburg describes how the blockchain will eliminate the need for centralized institutions like banks or governments to facilitate trade, evolving age-old models of commerce and finance into something far more interesting: a distributed, transparent, autonomous system for exchanging value.
Ping Pong Thinking Sessions Blockchain in Digital Business Ecosystems
in Berlin - Munich - Toronto - Vienna
Let us think about Blockchain in
Banking and Investment Services
Life Science
Supply Chain
from a digital business ecosystems point of view.
Alle reden von der Blockchain, aber die wenigsten wissen eigentlich, was das genau ist.
Dabei hat die Blockchain das Zeug, unser Wirtschaftssystem zu revolutionieren.
Dieses universelle Kontobuch könnte zum Beispiel Banken überflüssig machen.
Shermin Voshgmir von der Wiener Wirtschaftsuniversität erklärt erst einmal, was eine Blockchain ist und was das für die Art und Weise, wie wir Daten speichern, bedeutet.
WTF is Blockchain? by Shermin Voshmgir
Auch interessant, um die Entstehung von Blockchain zu verstehen: