
How to Make Your Organization Antifragile

robustness first

How to Make Your Organization Antifragile for Transforming Incerto into a Competitive Advantage



Introduction - How to make decisions in times of incerto?

Since 2015 I have been working on digital transformation and its effects on corporate structures.

I was particularly interested in understanding how organizations make business decisions in the present and future, particularly when dealing with uncertainty and disruption.

However, I realized that an important concept was missing from my understanding: antifragility.

Initiated by Nassim Taleb.

When I read “The Art of the Good Life” by Rolf Dobelli in 2019, I came across numerous references to an author named Nassim Taleb.

Fascinated by this, I decided to delve deeper into the subject and ordered Taleb's book “The Black Swan”. I was fascinated to find that Taleb's ideas resonated with me as they described many phenomena,

I had already observed it, but the appropriate names and descriptions for it were missing.

Eager to explore further, I purchased the entire series of his books entitled The Incerto, including Fooled by Randomness, Antifragile, and Skin in the Game.

When I read the books, I always gain new insights and perspectives that have significantly influenced various aspects of my private and professional life and my skills portfolio:

Thriving in Incerto.


Recognizing Fragility During the Covid-19 Pandemic:

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit Europe with full force, I couldn't help but notice the vulnerability of many companies in the face of unexpected events.

This insight made me think about how companies can be designed so that they are more resilient in times of crisis.

Applying Incerto's ideas to the business environment:

Out of a desire to make a difference in practice, I decided to write my bachelor's thesis on "Applying the ideas presented in the Incerto series to the corporate environment."

My thesis includes a comprehensive exploration of concepts and definitions, including fragility and antifragility.

In addition, I present frameworks, methods and strategies to apply these concepts to different aspects of a company, from individual components to the entire organization.


Applying Incerto's Ideas to the Business Environment:

Out of a desire to make a difference in practice, I decided to write my bachelor thesis on the topic applying the ideas presented in the Incerto series to the corporate environment.


My thesis includes a comprehensive exploration of concepts and definitions, including fragility and antifragility.

In addition, I present frameworks, methods and strategies to apply these concepts to different aspects of a company, from individual components to the entire organization.


My Framework:

📜Key Definitions


⚙ The Triad: Fragility & Robustness (Resilience) & Antifragility

⚙ Incerto Coach

⚙ Black Swan Events

⚙ Fooled by Randomness - The hidden Impacts of Chance in the Company Environments e.g. Markets

⚙ Skin in the Game - Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Business

⚙ Mediocristan and Extremistan

⚙ Sustainability beyond Resilience

⚙ Via Negativa

⚙ Barbell Strategy

⚙ Green Lumber Fallacy


📜 Mindset related prerequisites for antifragility management

➡ View forecasts critical

➡ Accepting fragility

➡ Take Risks not Manage Risks

➡ Letting go of efficiency

➡ Using options (not the financial instrument), therefore using antifragility

➡ Accepting variability, letting go of the stability lemma


📜 Frameworks to execute fragility, resilience and antifragility analysis in a part of a company

➡ How to handle the Agile Triad: Fragility & Robustness (Resilience) & Antifragility

➡ Fragility Source Matrix

➡ Lorenzo´s 5 Points Model



➡ Lorenzo´s Crunch Corner



📜 Frameworks to execute fragility, resilience and antifragility analysis of a whole company

➡ Total-Fragility-Index

➡ Fragility Interaction Model

➡ Fragility Spill Over Model


📜How to make a business less fragile and more antifragile using Artificial Intelligence



📜Use Cases

 motivation BAM

📜 Referent: Lorenzo Tural 

- B.A. International Business

- Masterand Market-oriented Management


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